Finding  there were two Mac’s in Liverpool delayed our 8.00AM sharp start for our run to Kiama. Half the participants at one and half at the other. After regrouping and distribution of the instructions by Barry we headed off on our deferred run to Kiama which was originally organised by Ian Matheson  for the Jazz Festival.

An unevental run down the  M5 and through Mittagong to Bowral by the seven Z’s attending. The wind was extremely strong  buffeting the cars as we went but it was only at a short pit stop at Bowral we also realised it was also freezing. No possibility of over heating.

We headed towards Robertson verging off to drop down through Kangaroo Valley and down to Berry.

This stretch is God’s gift to Z’s – a winding switchback road, magnificent scenery and a test of stamina for aging pilots of similarly aging mounts with original brakes and no power steering. Oh for the old days.

From Berry and with the wind dropping we arrived in Kiama for a quick photo shoot an lunch at the local RSL. Then to home after another pleasant Sunday run.