The starting point was the Hydro Majestic Hotel at Medlow bath.

Ten intrepid Zedders in six vehicles set forth with Craig leading the way.

After a short stint on the Great Western Highway the convoy hit the Jenolan Caves Rd and then progressed onto Duckmaloi Rd Hampton. About 60kms into the journey (at Hampton) a prudent pit stop was taken due to the cold weather.

All the Zedders in the convoy marvelled at the impressive scenery consisting of sweeping forests and valleys. The lack of traffic was a distinct bonus.

Cruising through the outskirts of Oberon the group arrived at the quaintly named “Shooters Rd at Mozart”.

Some testing of the ageing mechanicals of the older Z cars came with the descent to the Abercrombie  River crossing . This consists of an extremely steep slope with tight bends and down to 25kms/hour speed limits.

Craig glanced in his rear vision mirror to make sure that all the Z cars were keeping up, but Vince who had been the rear guard had disappeared from view.

Some deranged driver of a Porsche Cayenne followed by an equally dangerous driver in a Toyota Hilux ( whose shoe size would have easily exceeded their IQs ) had decided to pass all the Z cars on the tight 25kms/hour bends and were tail gating Craig.

Craig let them through as they hurtled towards the single lane wooden bridge crossing the Abercrombie River at triple the speed limit. This was the only unpleasant challenge of the entire journey.

The Z car convoy then arrived at the Taralga Hotel. The hotel was built in 1876 and the Zedders were welcomed by the sign “Meet, eat, play & stay”

The Zedders were warmly welcomed by the publican and the open hearth log fires.

The meals were well prepared and inexpensive but the size of the portions was enormous.

John ordered a pizza for himself . When it arrived – John was confronted with a pizza that would have fed an entire family. He bravely attacked it – doing his best to finish it off  (it almost finished him!)

Craig battled on and even ordered dessert (however, he was the only one brave enough to do so).

After the meal the group went outside to the courtyard for a chat – but faced with the unrelenting cold weather , the Zedders decided to head for home.

Everyone had enjoyed a great day with a satisfying drive , marvellous scenery – and ending with a terrific meal and the friendship of the Z Car Club members.