The group of Zedders was warmly greeted by Mein Host, David and offered a complementary drink on arrival.

There was however, limited space around the fireplace so it was a case of “first in – best dressed!”, however the dining room was fairly warm in any case.

chalet-restaurant 1

What a difference from the Xmas in July three years ago!

No black snow or extreme weather conditions enroute to Medlow Bath – just a little cooler than Sydney – and the Chalet was nicely heated in any case.

There was exactly double the attendees this time around with a solid attendance of 24 Zedders and their guests.

The Zedders perused the antiques and paintings on display and checked out the views over the outside courtyard.

Chalet 2

Dinner was getting ready to be served so the Zedders took their places at the various tables.

The main course consisted of Turkey Breast and Leg Ham with lovely fresh vegetables. Bread rolls and butter were also supplied.

This was followed by traditional Christmas pudding and home-made custard.

Tea and freshly brewed coffee completed the meal.


Jamie and Joanne decided to be somewhat adventurous and stay the night at the Chalet and had a very pleasant night with an excellent continental breakfast the following morning (as advised to members later).

The rest of the group headed for home after a very enjoyable day.

Many thanks to Craig for organising this excursion.