Wow! – One of those days when virtually everything went according to plan. The weather wasn’t too hot – mostly humid and there was a good turnout of members supplemented by a few visitors.

The meeting place for the start of the excursion was the Crossroads Hotel at Casula. Darren did a flying visit to renew his CAMS membership but due to other commitments wasn’t able to join the group on the excursion.

Great to see Les back on deck. Chris unfortunately had car trouble at the last moment and couldn’t make it. Around fifteen people and nine vehicles hit the Hume motorway and headed towards the Picton turnoff at Wilton.

After about 25 minutes of smooth travelling the convoy turned off at the Picton Rd exit and then joined up with the “deep south” members. This group comprised 5 people and 3 vehicles. Now the enhanced convoy boasted 20 people and twelve vehicles. The convoy had an excellent run along the Princes Highway and, after about half an hour was close to the destination.


The Motorlife Museum doesn’t have a street number and Darkes Rd (where the museum is located) is quite a long road. However, after persevering for a short time , Robyn started pointing towards a building on the right of Darkes Rd. Ray took a look and the large General Electric’s sign was a little confusing . However, on closer observation there was a “Motorlife Museum” sign alongside.

The convoy then wheeled into the carpark to find individual parking spots.The entrance fee was $15 or $10 with an NRMA membership. Members started filing through and examining the exhibits.

car signs

On display (this changes periodically as private owners of the vehicles exhibit for a limited time); there was a variety of very rare vintage vehicles as well as newer vehicles (although nothing beyond the fifties).


Rare Rovers, Austin sixes and sevens ,vintage buses and trucks, limousines from the twenties supplemented by an FX and FJ Holden , a side valve Morris Minor , various sports cars from the twenties, a Lotus Seven , a Messerschmitt and even an MGA with a mannequin dressed to look like the late John Lennon.

John Lennon

There were two huge rooms with numerous display vehicles and before the group knew it – almost two hours had elapsed.

Lunch was scheduled for 1.00PM at the Dapto Leagues Club a short drive from the Motorlife Museum. The group waited around in the foyer of the Dapto Leagues Club until the entire group arrived.

Ray breathed a sigh of relief as he saw that the booking had been received and a table had been reserved for the Z Car Club – as there were large crowds present and most of the tables had already been taken.

reserved sign

The group ordered their meals and were pleasantly surprised at how quickly they were served. Also impressive was the quality of the meals and the display of empty plates was testament to the fact of how appetising and enjoyable the meals had been.

As it approached 3.00PM the Zedders started to leave for home. It had been a most interesting and enjoyable day with good travelling weather and excellent travelling companions.

Ray and Terry looked at the vehicles on display at the Motorlife Museum and mused about which ones they could afford. After careful consideration they decided that Ray could just afford the vehicle with the rear carrying tray and Terry could only manage the vehicle without the rear carrying tray:Bikes

– Ray