September 20th loomed bright and clear – although showers were predicted at 12 midday. Although booked months ahead and confirmed by e-mail – somehow the booking got screwed up and the twenty places booked for the Z Car Club of Sydney suddenly weren’t there. After some discussion with the organisers a row was found for the Z cars. As more vehicles arrived it became obvious that all the zedders weren’t going to fit – magically another row was found for the Z display cars.

Just as well, because at this stage Vanessa and Darko had arrived with the “meat wagon” towed by their four wheel drive.

There was an impressive line up of sixteen highly polished Z cars comprising 240s, 260s through to Z31, Z32s and 370Zs.

And last, but not least  Craig sporting a newly acquired Black,  Track 350Z.  Craig denied all rumours that he had recently won the lottery or that the 350Z had fallen off the back of a truck (although there was a small dent evident on the back bumper bar).

Congratulations to all those attending – and for the hard work that went into preparing your vehicles.

There was approximately 200 cars on display representing a variety of different marques – Holdens (including Toranas) , Fords ( including Falcons and Fairlanes), VWs and a smattering of American muscle cars. There was a rather intriguing looking Chevrolet Coupe – probably built in the thirties  – which was standing on its own. It was absolutely immaculate inside and outside and looked as if it had just came out of the showroom.

There was also the usual stalls, complemented by Camel rides and other mechanical rides. Conspicuously absent was the jousting knights. After the previous near disaster in 2014 – the organisers probably erred on the side of caution.

There were large crowds of spectators milling around the Z cars – but almost invariably they had to touch Darren’s racing Beast (the car!) to see what the outside was made of. I think Darren would be wiping a lot of prints off the car at the end of the day!

At 11.40 am it started raining – a few umbrellas and hoodies appeared – while the Macho types stood in the drizzle.

Vanessa and Darko were doing a roaring business with the sausage sandwiches – feeding both the Zedders and the pseudo Zedders – so much so that they starting running out of  bread.  Well done for another great job!

Around midday, the judges started announcing the winners of the various trophies.

Ford, Holden, Pontiac and other GMH products got the trophies. Nothing from the Land of the rising Sun unfortunately – never mind – there’s always the “Show & Shine” in November.

It started raining again and as it was nearing 1.30PM the crowds started heading towards the exits and the Z cars started slipping away.

Another excellent day , with a good turnout of Zedders and their well prepared vehicles, endless sausage sandwiches and the shared friendship of the the Z Car Club members. Looking  forward to Gannons in 2016.


– Ray