Despite a forecast of continuing inclement weather five intrepid Z Car members headed for Eastern Creek on Sunday 17th  for the Shannons Classic car show. Following certification at the gate (all must be mad) Barry, Daren, Corey (and John), Darko and Terry crowded under umbrellas for the best part of the morning joined by about 25% of the 2,000 classic car owners who were expected had the weather been fine.

With continuing rain and precarious  parking virtually no spectators arrived, all of which was a great shame for what over the previous 15 years, was a premier event. Very few marques had a full compliment but we still had a wander to check out those on offer.

The highlight was again our couple of laps around the circuit at noon and with some clearing clouds overhead it was decided the best course of action was to follow the increasing possession to the exit.

I’m sure next year will be perfect.