With great expectations we arose early on Sunday 4 May for a cold but uneventful run down to Albion Park for Wings Over Illawarra, to both display our cars and enjoy the air show. This has been a great event in the past with everything from historic planes to mad aerobatic pilots and the Airforce Roulettes doing their stuff.

Seven cars arrived at McDonalds including our newest members, Ray and Robyn Marsh and their son Anthony, in their two immaculate 350 coupes and Andrew Rogers in his 240. Great to see them there. We moved off in convoy, ex Terry who had a dead battery (thanks NRMA ), to get a prominent position in the classic car display area adjacent to the runway. Little did we know that across the airfield wind gusts of 55 knots were being recorded. Apart from hats and the occasional paper bag nothing had risen above knee height. Maximum cross winds for vintage planes is about 20 knots so the likelihood of anything happening was diminishing as the day progressed. A couple of F18’s landed and we had a good look at the cars and the stationary exhibits.

Unfortunate for us but I’m sure worse for the general public who didn’t have the pleasure of the Z’s to drive home in. Always next year!