The last two weekends of August gave the Club two opportunities to show a limited number of our cars to the public.

Sunday 19th August was, once again the fantastic “Shannons Classic”. The Club was located in Area “D” under the Grandstand, beside the pathway to the tunnel .  The attendance was limited to ten by the number of tickets obtained, the Club was represented by a variety of models, Les, Terry,  and Troy in 260’s, Kevin, Corey in 280’s and Darrens first showing in the 280, Barry in the 300 Z31 Vanesa and Darko, 300 Z32 and a new member, Suvad Humcevic , in his Zkyline. The day progressed the same as previous years, with many passers- by stopping to look and chat, this being the reason we are there. A pleasant way to spend a Sunday without a lawnmower in sight. Our lap of the track was at 11.45 and we hurried to join the queue preceded by some huge American’s. We were privileged in using the new portion of the track, which includes two 90 degree corners followed by reasonably steep inclines, something different, but all in all another great day.

Saturday August 25th the Club was invited to show at a “Meet and Greet” at Riverwood Police Station. Once again attendance was limited at the request of the organisers, the Club being represented by Vanesa , Les,  Kerry and Barry. Another fine, early day, our cars were positioned on the footpaths either side of the street, prepared and awaited our public. We were to attend the Police Station where we were invited “out the back”. In attendance, the Police Commissioner and high ranking Officers, members of the Lions Club, a representative of Kennards Hire AND ZCar Club. What an honour, Tea and Cakes with the Commish! The day then followed with a continuous parade of members of the community. The Police were represented by various branches including the Bomb Squad. Vanesa was able to put on the heavy suit that the bomb defusers wear. Polair arrived nearby and was swamped by the kids, an old Falcon and Charger in Police gear, Police bike, PCYC van and food and coffee, not far to go for something interesting to look at. Another great day with our Club in the public eye.


Barry Godfrey